
International Community

CPRACSIS International Community is envisaged as a forum for scholarly, academic, professional and artistic deliberations. From the very inception of the International Community, it had embarked on intellectual explorations beyond disciplinary, linguistic, geographical and thematic boundaries. The international Community had been instrumental in initiating and accomplishing multifaceted academic and professional endeavours. The intellectual and professional support from across the globe propelled CPRACSIS to the international academic arena. The International Community was constituted in 2008 with Prof. Claudia Orenstein as chair. [http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/theatre/faculty-staff-1-page/facultystaff#claudia-orenstein-associate-professor]

CPRACSIS announces membership in International Community
Membership in CPRACSIS International Community is open to:
»   Academics, Scholars, Artists, researchers and professionals
»  Individuals interested in conceptualizing and initiating research projects
»  Scholars and authors keen on publishing academic works
»  Artists and practitioners interested in creating art and organising workshops.

»  Life members are eligible for proposing conferences, workshops and seminars to be organised under the rubric of C PRACSIS
»  Life members will have preference in all activities organised by C PRACSIS
»  Life members will elect the office bearers of the C PRACSIS International Community during the annual meeting.
»  All life members are eligible for substantial reduction (upto a maximum of 40%, depending on the event) in conference fee, cost of books and journals published by CPRACSIS, and other visual, artistic and research materials published by CPRACSIS.